Sunday, April 8, 2007

Framed 11X14 The Crusher

Great shot of the bloody Crusher with the World Chapionship Belt and AWA Cloth Patch and another Crusher photo around the ring.

Old Wrestling Poster Reggie Lisowski (The Crusher) #3

Old Wrestling poster from 1954.

The Crusher vs Dick The Brusier Wrestling Poster #2

Great Old Wrestling Poster of AWA Greats

Awa Wrestling Poster #1

Great Old AWA Card

Friday, April 6, 2007

Baron Von Rashcke and Bobby the Brain Heenan #28

The Baron showing off the famous claw with Bobby Heenan.

The Crusher #27

The Crusher smoking a cigar.

Mad Dog and the Crusher #26

Mad Dog and the Crusher showing off there blood and Tag team Championship Belts.